This November 2024, Adn had the opportunity to present its work to the regional administration of Bruxelles-Capitale. Our thanks to Urban.brussels for the invitation.
ToekomstATELIERdelavenir (TADA) provides complementary teaching for children between 10 and 14 years old coming from deprived neighborhoods. Last 21st of January , ADN participated in the 2nd working group about architecture. During the lesson, children had learned to understand the idea of dimensions and proportions into architecture, and also to familiarize with the digital tools of 3d modelisation.
4836 M²
Archipel Centre De Culture Urbaine and WBA invite Belgian architecture to an exhibition in Lyon. We invite you to the launch and the opening lecture on March 5th given by the Belgian architects of adn and a.practice and the photographer Maxime Delvaux. After Brussels, Lille and Paris, the exhibition 4836m² - Wallonie-Bruxelles Architectures Inventaires #1 Inventories is stopping off from March 6th to April 17th 2015 at Archipel in Lyon.
As adn presents there first monography for there tenth year of work, Les Ateliers Nocturnes invites Nicolas Iacobellis et Didier Vander Heyden to talk about that work, through three "concepts" : Curiosity, resistance and romantisme.
Conference organised for the Ditirambos exposition.